Friday, June 27, 2008

Cats in Clothes

It seems that everyone has seen this but me.
I've known that dogs can wear clothes, but not cats. Cats are too dignified for clothes, aren't they?
We had been talking about absurdly intricate doll clothing. My friend said, "Yes. There's this person who makes the same type of absurdly intricate clothing for cats." I said, "Real cats?" She said, "Yes. Real cats." I said, "No way."
Here are the links she sent me. For an article on the "crazy cat clothing person" and to read for yourself how God told her to make the clothes, visit:
For her actual site in Japan, visit:

Cats should be naked, don't you think?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


You can find Japanese doll artist Koitsukime here: and here:
Koitsukihime's work is ball jointed bisque.
If you don't have a translation program, the site can be a little confusing. While it may seem that I've given you redundant links, I found the first point easier to navigate from, while the second is more annoying and slow to load but has more photos of the work. Poke around if you have time and you'll at least see some nice Japanese dollie cover art.
I'm actually making the note in the blog here for A.D. because this is the artist we were discussing who has more than one book out that I'd like to purchase and whose name I can simply never spell.
There's nothing like going into a Manhattan Japanese bookstore and discovering that there are thousands of Japanese whose names start with the letter 'K'.

Tiffany and Charlotte

Comic book issue number one of Tiffany and Charlotte drawn by west coast graphic artist J.L. Anderson is available now.
I love my manga producing anime genre friends. People all too often say, "Cathy, what is it with you and these comic book people? Your work isn't comicbooky at all. People will stop liking your work if you decide to change it, you know." Don't worry; my style or lack thereof is not going to change. And all of you out there have to stop saying comic book like it's a bad thing.
Heart's long blue hair and Heart's deep blue eyes were selected by J.L. . When you see the photos of the new Asian girl you will know that J.L. 's taste is very good indeed.
Enjoy the new book. You can find it here:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Humpty Dumpty

That's what I've been working on.
I've been spending hours and hours on a ball jointed version of Humpty Dumpty using Japanese clay. I'm almost done.
Richard said that he would photograph him when I'm finished.
Since the little guy had that wall problem, I keep him in the oven so that the cat doesn't hockey puck him off the kitchen table.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Teesha recommended this book. I am ever so glad she did.
I think that anyone with an artistic bent would thoroughly enjoy it. It's this book that explains how to make artistic soup for your dinner.
When you're looking for something wonderful to read this summer, reach for this book.
Many of us keep in touch with each other and communicate through our blogs. We not only write them, we read them. You can find Teesha's here: .

Plein Air Painting

Although, perhaps best known around town for his beloved depictions of Great Cow Harbor, Ward Hooper is a multi-talented artistic icon.
I've chosen to show you one of his old Victorians because they are so prevalent in our neighborhood and because I love them even more than the harbor scenes. When I look at them, I can dream of reading on the porches or rustling around in the attic. I love them.
You probably aren't aware of it, but you most likely have some of Ward's work in your own house. It was Ward who redesigned the Aunt Jemima packaging, giving Aunt Jemima his wife's smile. It was Ward who designed the Saks Fifth Avenue logo; it's probably in your closet on a shopping bag. Andy Warhol might have pushed the Brillo box past the point of renown, but it was Ward Hooper who designed the Brillo box to begin with.
When Ward called to invite me to Great Cow Harbor's second annual Plein Air Painting Event I said, "Of course I'll go! I would never miss an opportunity to see you paint!" The Plein Air Event is being held tomorrow also. It turns Great Cow Harbor into an artist's mecca for a weekend; artists are stationed everywhere, happily painting away.
The event is organized by the Northport Arts Coalition. The paintings will be available for purchase through silent auction at the LaMantia Gallery in downtown Great Cow Harbor on this Sunday afternoon.


You can find Ward Hooper here: ; do not confuse him with an Idaho artist with the same name.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Libertine

Lewd, lascivious, lovely.
The younger generation relishes all things Johnny Depp. This movie is not for children.
The year is 1675. John Wilmot the Earl of Rochester, when not in the company of his pal King Charles, is busy with wine and wenches. And, oft times, both at once and the more the merrier.
The film had enough hair, coaches, and poetry to keep me thoroughly amused; I loved it. But then, as my friends would say, I would.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Blue Hair None



I hear that alot.


Making me super surprised and pleasurably pleased, here's what I just found: Heart's head loaded as the opening page to Richard Gardner's website.


The large blue haired girl, who is now complete, Richard had decided to photograph before she was completely finished. Then, of course, she would be photographed again, after she was finished.


No hair. No makeup. No eyes. No filler.


Heart, who now sports very expensive blue hair and who my husband calls 'Queen Lo Mien', was dropped off to Richard's studio early yesterday afternoon so that he could continue to shoot the 'Bebe' series of photographs. The 'Bebe' exhibition has proven itself to be very successful and he is continuing to add to the collection of doll photographs. The photographs as a collection on gallery walls are literally breathtaking in their beauty. They're striking, they're sensuous, they're controversial, they're colorful. I'll be sure to let you know when you can see 'Bebe' in person again.


'Bebe' is the photographic exhibition produced by fashion photographer Richard Gardner of my work and my collaborative work with A.D. Puchalski. In the latest collection of photographs, we have also added a piece by Laura Galbraith which I had the good fortune to further costume rather extravagantly. A.D. Puchalski, a toy designer, is primarily a graphic artist and can be found here: . Laura Galbraith, who holds a Master's degree in Fine Arts, is also primarily a graphic illustrator and can be found here: .


Richard Gardner and the collection of doll photographs entitled 'Bebe' can be found here .


We are also working on 'Bebe' as a photography book. For those of you who have loved our ball jointed dolls, I will keep you posted on that.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Straynge Family

For all of you who have traveled with me to the United Kingdom and have so enjoyed the parties at DarkHouseQuarter, I invite you now to William's house here in the States. William has a very StrayngeFamily indeed.
As you can see, the baby above has been vastly improved: the little darling can no longer speak and has lots of appendages to play with its toys.
Before you go, I'd like to tell you that all of the family album pictures are original Victorian ancestor photographs. Prints are available. I'm sure special orders are too. You might consider purchasing some of the holiday cards for your friends.
Be very careful to heed all warnings. If you were frightened at DarkHouseQuarter, you might consider staying home. Should you decide to visit William you can find him here: Tell him that Orchid sent you.
Orchid's Necronomiconey, her YakuzaBun with tentacles, was recently on exhibit with her at Jericho. Should you wish to have a bunny with tentacles instead of a baby, you can find a bun of your own here:
For William's convenience, so he can introduce himself properly to Stephen, the MasterofDarkHouseQuarter can be found at home in his study here:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Angel Dolls

It's fun to go window shopping in another country. Poke the buttons like I did and see what you can find. Visit what appears to be a rather nice Japanese doll shop at .


The truth is always stranger than fiction.
One could only wish that any church with the remains of 40,ooo humans was fiction. However, it is the bone chilling truth. The small church called Sedlec is in the Czech Republic and figured prominently in the novel The Black Angel by author John Connolly.
When you are looking for a good read, be sure to choose anything by John Connolly. For more on the spooky church, visit John at . The official site for the church and ossuary is .

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hooped Skirt

To answer the question of "What should Orchid wear for her first harp lesson from theHarpist?" I made her this skirt.

Swan Lake

Many of the small lakes in our town are home to a wide variety of northeastern water fowl. The swans are the loveliest and the most majestic.
Each year, the females are cheered on as they diligently tend to their nests. I actually managed to get a good photograph of the eggs; they were huge.
While I was watching the swans, several little old ladies traded swan stories. I went home and said to my husband, "In our town, you know how they say 'Beware the little old ladies'?" He said, "Yes. What were they doing?" I said, "Well, it wasn't what they were doing, so much as it was what they were saying." He laughed and said, "Oh, no. Now what?" I said, "Picture this. A picture perfect completely unbelievably magnificent day. Artists painting. Children playing. Swans swimming. Lovers hand in hand. Magnificent. These little old ladies completed the picture by regaling each other with the past transgressions of the male swan." My husband said, "What did he do?" I said, "Well, today he was just doing his 'daddy job'. And I'm sure he was just doing his 'daddy job' in the past. He was carefully patrolling the area, swimming very nicely back and forth. However, it seems that some daddy swan, it didn't even have to be him, even though they seemed to be blaming him, some swan in the past murdered one of those Canadian geese. And then, people decided to stone the swan." My husband said, "What? The goose was probably doing something bad." I said, "Yup, probably was. But it was one of those completely lurid stories that they would only tell in our town." My husband said, "And our 'neighbors' picked up rocks and stoned the swan." I said, "So the story goes. You know where we live. Are you surprised?" He said, "No. Not in a town where they feed people rocks." I said, "What I want to know is why would you be repeating that to your friends on a beautiful sunny spring day?" He said, "You wouldn't." I said, "Right. We wouldn't. And, it gets worse. It seems that the male swan also murdered one of the baby swans one other year. Just wrung its little neck, or crushed its skul, or stomped it dead, or did some godawful thing. Whatever he did, I couldn't even listen anymore." I said, "Now what's the moral of the story?" My husband said, "Hang out with the swans and beware the little old ladies." I said, "Exactly."
It reminded me that I was in our town with little old ladies and not swans when my silver needle case myteriously disappeared and was never seen again.


In our neighborhood, the middle of May brings torrents of wisteria. Pendulous purple blossoms cascade from ancient oak trees soaring forty and fifty feet into the clear blue skies.
For one week of the year, our tiny town smells like heaven.
Our entire property is literally buried beneath wisteria vines. This scares most people and completely delights me.