Friday, October 31, 2008

More Odd Dolls

Visit . Orchid has one of these. Do you?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Queen of Spades

French artist Virginie Ropars is always a dark delight.
Poppen of the Netherlands was smart enough to put her art on its cover.
Her website will be undergoing major renovations, but you can find her on MySpace.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Just LOVE These Things !

That is the title of this piece. It is also what I screamed when I saw it.
You are being treated to Denise Bledsoe's statement on all the cute fairies out there. The hawk is a real hawk, acquired from an estate sale. He is continuing his existence in as pleasurable way as possible: in a tribute to his life, he is given delectable fairies to feast upon.
I LOVE it.
Over the years, I've discovered extra dimples on my face; they were carved there from the pleasure derived from her work. Her work makes my toes curl with delight; next, I won't be able to walk.
Denise has been around the west coast for years. Her work, I find, is hardly known here in the east. Perhaps that's because she practices being more elusive than I am. Consider it a further treat should you get to meet her in person.
Her pieces are highly prized, sought after treasures. Should you find one you wish to acquire or should you need to contact her, you can reach her at bledsoedollsATaolDOTcom.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Graveyard Book

A child escapes the muderer of his family and totters off to a graveyard where he is raised by ghosts and a vampire.
I am hoping that the eight tales of this little one's ghoulish escapades measure up to the standard set by Neil's beloved Coraline.
This UK book is now available in the US .

Friday, October 24, 2008

Angry Sphinx

When you wonder why I am enjoying LiveJournal and when you wonder what do we share out there? As some of us maintain heavily guarded locked journals, think of this photo.
I am very grateful to dk who put this out there for mutual friends' delight.
It does indeed look like a gargoyle to me. I love it!
. is the link for this photo.
Join us on LiveJournal and listen to us chat. I encourage fans, and lurkers, and artists looking to share supply links. Visit: .

Music and Lyrics

I did not expect to like this Drew Barrymore film, because I am not a Drew Barrymore fan.
Therefore, I was surprised from the moment that it started that I was endlessly amused and had a very good time. It is upbeat, it is silly, it is frivolously fun.
A has been 'Pop!' musician from the eighties makes his comeback from playing gigs at the Hilton and Great Adventure to, predictably, Madison Square Garden. Filmed on location in New York City.
The fact that his jeans are tight, helps.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fabulous Fibulas

"525,600 minutes

525,00 moments so dear

525,600 minutes

how do you measure

measure a year?

In daylight? In sunsets?

In midnights?
In cups of coffee?
In inches? In miles?
In laughter? In strife?
525,600 minutes
How do you measure
a year in the life?
How about LOVE? How about LOVE?
Measure in love. Seasons of love. ....


Remember a year in the life of FRIENDS.

Measure your life in love.
Seasons of love.
Measure your life in LOVE."
- Rent
The Metals Group of LICG met last evening at the manor house of theHarpist. Over the course of two hours we chatted, enjoyed our artistic compatriots, ate yummy snacks, and produced the three larger jewelry pieces shown in the photograph.
"Fibulas" was our jewelers' meeting topic; a fibula being an ornament constructed from a single piece of wire.
For more information on the LICG and the talented artists that comprise it, visit: .
For the jewelry resources presented at the meeting visit:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Marie-Antoinette's Dress

For those of use who like to do heavy costuming, Marie-Antoinette's dress is provides an endless source of inspiration and amusement.
The tufts, the jewels, the gathers, the folds.
See the original dress here at the Royal Ontario Museum:
Dressmakers will like this video.

What's in the Box

That was the question uppermost in our postal attendant's mind as he carried this from the back storage room and presented it to us to sign for.
"What is in this box? You'll tell me, right? It looks like it's the original box to something and that something is huge. And expensive; it's insured for a shitload of money. It's an unusual size. It's got customs stickers all over it. But, it was shipped from within the United States. And you can't even tell where it originally came from, the language is unintelligible. You guys will tell me right?? WHAT is in THIS BOX ????!!!"
MyHusband and I laughed. We all laughed. He said to me, "Go ahead. Tell him what you people invested in now." I said, "It's a miniature mannequin. It came from originally South Korea and just now from Maryland."
I said, "We make them. We've decided to use one that someone else has made. This one will be used in exhibition in 2009 and 2010. If you would like to see some of ours, they are on display now, up the road in Greenlawn, at ."
I'll have to remember to ask him, next time I see him when I mail something, if he did indeed get to visit Orchid and Alabaster on his lunch break.

To find out what's NOT in the box and, in the future, more about what IS, visit: Join the LiveJournal and befriend me. What's in the box is really more friendship...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monster is Loose

Released in 2006, the third Bat Out of Hell music compilation finally made it into our collection.
Out of the thirty years of music that Meat Loaf has produced, I have had only one complaint: there is not enough of it; I am always looking for more.
MyHusband said, "You can't possibly like this. They've made one good song in their career and everything else sounds exactly the same. All of their music sounds like one continuous identical song." I said, "Maybe that's the attraction. I always love it."
"No," he said. "I think you're just lazy. It appeals to your laziness. It's one less button. You can put it on and you don't have to push REPEAT."

My Blueberry Nights

Filmed on location and geographically spanning a smorgasboard of modern day American cities: New York, New York; Memphis, Tennessee; Las Vegas, Nevada. The film was a visual treat that I was sorry to see end.
I loved the camera angles. I loved the colors. I loved the storyline. But then, as my friends tell me often, I'm sappy.
I loved the music; I've put the soundtrack on my wish list.
I loved the relentless optimism of its heroine. She has the attitude of myself and MyBestFriend. MyBestFriend often says, "You know the whole thing about the glass? How you and I say we never understand that? That to us, the glass is always half full?" I, of course, say, "Yes." She said, "Well, now I've got one better." I'd said, "How does it get better than that?" She said, "I'm just happy to have the glass."

Watch this upbeat movie. Be happy you have the glass.

Friday, October 17, 2008


The Frog has turned into the Prince.
The second part of the exhibition has begun today; see Alabaster in his several hundred dollar Dollheart charcoal grey silk tuxedo. He's wearing it 'New York style' with a black t-shirt.
A quick reminder for those who are late comers to what we do: you are looking at completely hand sculpted figures. Orchid and Alabaster are both UFDC Doll Fanciers 'Triple' award winners. Nine, our witchy little ghost girl, who is making her debut in this exhibit and who will be available, was first hand sculpted and then hand cast. All of the large figures can be attributed to the skill of graphic illustrator A.D. Puchalski. You can find A.D. here:
The Frog Prince exhibition will run until the end of October 2008 in Greenlawn on Long Island. For times and directions, visit: .
This swirling black ink print is by the illustrious late Harry Clarke whom I, of course, adore.

Monday, October 13, 2008

La Revolte des Mannequins

A.D. and I are very fond of tableaux vivant.
The concept is probably French to begin with, so it shouldn't be surprising that the French do it well.
Visit: to see the enactment of a public production using life size dolls. Each day, the dolls were moved, progressing the bizarre stories along.
And you thought my two act production of the Frog Prince was strange...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cabinet of Natural Curiosities

MyHusband said, "Wow. That is some book that you've got on display. What book is that, and where did you get it?" I laughed and said, "Darling, it's one of ours. We own it."
I said, "It's that huge art book that I look at on our bed because it's so huge." He said, "Well, when you do an exhibit, you really know how to get your point across. It's an incredible book."
The book is over 60cm in height and can be purchased in various editions from Taschen. It is a glorious addition to any 'weird' artist's library.

And here, if you wish to fall further down the rabbit hole, is a blog you can visit which reminds me of this book. The fact that it was named after the book was my first clue: .

Harbor Freight

MyHusband and I actually drive across bridges and into another state to go to this hardware store.
We love it that much.
This photo is of my selections from our last trip. For those of you who are completely bored by artists' supplies, I've thrown in one of my glass pendants to amuse you.
For those who have asked where to purchase the small torches used for fine PMC silver work, Harbor Freight offers several. Visit .


Lucky was made by me as I played one day with local artist Dolly Hooper.
We used her original jack-in-the-box design to create a black and white cat which resembles my own furry feline at home.
One of the nicest joint compliments Dolly and I ever received was the day someone said, "Wow. This town so loves the dolls that god had to come up with a special plan for us. He decided to create two of you as our own insurance policy to make sure that one of you will always be doing the work in the event that one of you can't."
For those who never do get enough of our handmade dolls in our neighborhood, Dolly's are on exhibit now in Great Cow Harbor. You can make a day of it: visit Orchid at Harborfields during this month of October 2008 and visit Dolly's dolls nearby at the museum exhibit at the Northport Historical Society on Main Street in Great Cow Harbor. Visit for the directions and the times you can see Dolly's work.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Gothic Dark Glamour

This gloriously dark exhibition is being held now, September 5th though February 21st 2009, at the Museum of the Fashion Institute of Technology, in the mid-town fashion district of Manhattan.
I do not want to miss this and I thought that you might like it also.
To preview the exhibit, visit:

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Sultan's Elephant

London, 2006. Performed by the Royal de Luxe theatre troupe. Watch the video at:

Artist Craftsmen NY

Orchid's harp teacher is severely over talented. The magnificent sterling silver butterfly necklace in the photograph was done by her.
You can meet the charming Karen Strauss in person when she gallery sits at the Broome Street Gallery in downtown Manhattan from 11am to 6pm this Halloween.
For more information visit:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Princess of Wax

A Cruel Tale by Anne Bachelaire. I used this book as part of the backdrop for October's exhibition with Orchid. Anne's images are right up there with Amano's when it comes to my 'favorites list'.
Lovers of our type of jointed doll art would love the story trapped inside these pages. Acquire and inhale this book if you can.
Visit the website here:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We've been talking alot about Yoshitako Amano as of late. He was at New York Anime Con recently and, of course, we're all jealous of those who got to see him.
To purchase this VampireHunterD towel when it comes back in stock, visit Amano's site at: .
Who knew that you could be naked with a favorite super hero wrapped around you?
I do so love the twenty-first century.

92 Roadmaster For Sale

To find out more on this 92 custom Buick which is for sale, visit Craig's List at: The car needs what it needs, but many people on the island and in our area have seen this car and have been interested in it and are not aware that it is now up for sale. And, better yet, it's CHEAP.
The funniest story that I have with this car is: myHusband and I go to Dunkin' Donuts for coffee. Next to us, a car pulls up, and the driver jumps out. He begins jumping up and down, holding his crotch, and saying, "Wow. Wow. WOW."
I look into my arms, and they're empty. Now I panic. I think, "WHERE is ORCHID? WHERE IS SHE??" And I look at the guy. And he's still jumping. And I think, "Wow. He can see Orchid in the CAR?" And then I realize, Orchid isn't in the car. She's not in my arms, she's home. And FINALLY it dawns on me. This guy wasn't jumping around for Orchid, he was jumping around for the CAR I'd gotten out of.
Who knew? In my world, guys only jump and hold their crotch for Orchid.
October 17th, 2008
Sold! Thank god. The car dollars gleaned will go towards our new home computer.

Visit Orchid

Already one of the most frequently asked questions is: WHERE?
Harborfields Public Library
Greenlawn, New York
Long Island, Suffolk County, North Shore
Once you are there, what you will see is an exhibit which is smaller than the last when I did National Library Month at Jericho. However, it should still be very interesting to Orchid fans because it changes mid-month. Orchid gets the curlers taken out of her hair and will have Alabaster to spend time with until they both leave on Halloween.
Already I've had to lecture Orchid about looking enthused as she's trapped with the frog. I brought the large red frog back from Vaca Key this past winter. I'd said to myHusband, "Look. Look hard. There's a kissable frog around here someplace." The joke had been that every frog that I'd sculpted was decidedly non-kissable. That Orchid had standards.
You will also see the handbag that Kyra made for Orchid. Kyra's work can be found locally at the B.J. Spoke gallery. Watch for the silver handbag as it is a very special, very nice piece.
Orchid will wear theDragonQueen's Precious for the second half of the month.
Polly, a spark plug bug, is on display for perhaps the first time. You can flick through the blog to find Polly and read the story of the Vietnam Vet who created him.
On the lower shelf is a barb wire heart created by the mural painter, Remy. The heart is indeed genuine barbed wire, painted the color of dried blood. No, it doesn't hurt the wearer when it's worn; I wear it happily all the time. Remy is the rarest of people: a talented artist, a warm hearted person, and an Apache native. Watch for the heart; it's a sharp piece.
Our darling yummy Nine is on the top shelf. Nine is solidified friendship all gelled into a ball. It doesn't matter if you're afraid of her, we love her to pieces and we're still working on her.
Alabaster's elf is on the top shelf. One of Orchid's elves, one of the twins, is on the bottom.
This is a reminder that the figures that you see are one of a kind and American. Other dolls might resemble these, but they are not the same thing. Orchid, Alabaster, and the elves are clay. They were each individually sculpted. Nine is resin. Send compliments to: ; the larger sculpts are pure A.D. genius.
The huge altered glass covered Book in the Attic is on display.
I can't promise you what will stay and what will go mid-month, so catch a look if you're in the neighborhood. Orchid may not be on display again until September 2009; she's a busy girl. She's got a wedding to plan.