Tuesday, March 11, 2025



Photos by Richard Gardner.
You are welcome to share Richard's photos.
Please keep his name with them.

Sunday, March 9, 2025


 When Queen Lachlana gave him the proverbial boot, Zillah came here to live here in beautiful Fairyland.  Like my dog, he is one of the original cream white so coveted, so beloved, Heliots.  He now resides with Queen Angelesk who was too young to order a Heliot when they first came out in 2008.

A cream white Heliot was amongst her greatest wishes. I decided it should be granted. No one should live without an original craam white Heliot.

 Zillah's hair was pink and now it is blue.  His paint is by Lachlana and has been lovingly enhanced by Angelesk.  Zillah now has giant Benmore hooves; you can beat off fractious burglers with Benmore hooves. 

Zillah is naked. So, if anyone has clothes they would like to donate to the cause, feel free.  I was thinking about making him a jacket, but I have not gotten around to it yet. I still have the Goblin King's jacket to make. (How good it is to do nothing and to rest afterwards!)

 It is really good to see Zillah out and about and happy!


Saturday, March 8, 2025



A recent photo by Richard Gardner.  Please keep Richard's name with this photo if you choose to share it.

MissAlly would be so proud.

Friday, March 7, 2025



This photo of Chloe is by Richard Gardner.
You are welcome to share Richard's photos, but please keep his name with them.
Richard's photos are available for purchase.

Not for the faint of heart or Little Kids' Eyeballs


This photo of Anavel is by Richard Gardner.
Richard's photos are used professionally in gallery work.
You are welcome to share them, but please keep his name with them.

Richad does sell prints should you want Anavel in your bedroom.

Little Red Riding Hood

 This is Capri.  She is a DollGru 09 on a Dollstown Elf body.  She won First Place and Best in Show at the Doll Fancier's Doll Show and Competition in 2013.


Great Cow Harbor

 Here is a picture that I took of the harbor in the summertime. It has not been photoshopped.  You can see why we can't move from here.




Weeener Licking a Lolly


Another Lucy

 This Glorydoll Goth Lucy belonged to MissAlly.



 Odette is a Glorydoll Lucy painted by redastor.


And one more because Odette is one of the "famous Australian twins".



 Winter is a Soom Cuprit from Queen Fishcake. She is one of my most beloved dolls. Her paint is by Lachlana.


Edgar and Vivi

 My dog and Vesuvia.  How many dogs get the demon of their dreams?


Edgar is wearing a wig by Stella Maris.  Vivi once belonged to MissAlly and Gus251. She was painted by Lily Koi.

The Front of the Magic Cottage


Our house

Is a very, very, very fine house

With two cats in the yard


 Domadoll Cooki.  Cooki is a fullset by redastor.


Through the Gates to Fairyland

 This is what you see if you walk through the Gates.


The Gates to Fairyland



 Left to right: Anna Puchalski, me, and Spider Sue in April 2008 at the sculpting store in Manhattan. You can see Christi Friesen in the background.


Yes, we all sculpt.  Christi sculpted Precious for Orchid. Orchid wore Precious at her wedding.  Anna sculpted Orchid and she sculpted  the doll we call"Nine". I sculpted Azul. Sue cast "Nine" in resin. 

 Find Christi's fabulous sculpts here:


Find the sculpting store here:


Find Sue here:





 Here is a photo that I took of Peyton:




Dune was painted by Jisatsu.  MissAlly helped me find his hair.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Photos of the Pan

 Pan's finished paint is by Christy Johnson.  His head was done in England by MadamMauMau.


I had started the Pan project by giving him to Lachlana to paint.  She began by painting him like the movie.  


I wanted a Pan who could be the Beast in "Beauty and the Beast", therefore a "Pan's Labyrinth" Pan did not work for me.  Pan's final colors were based on the Taj Mahal at sunset.  I need to show you pictures of his clothing which is typically fairy tale and romantic. He even has a cape.

Here's how you can make your own Pan out of a Monster High doll:

If the video does not work, here is the link: