Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fireflies Dance

The phone rings last night. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" asks a friend. I reply, "We're outside watching our very own Laser Light Show." My friend says, "It's pouring rain out!" I said, "Not over here. Or, maybe it is and we don't know it. We're outside on the patio, watching the most glorious spectacle of intermittent flashes of lightening punctuated by the sparks from millions of lightening bugs. I'm exaggerating the 'millions' but we have a very great many. And, they're everywhere. And, we were just discussing that we have no idea what makes them glow or whether they spend their days charging up or why they zoom around the way they do. And, we were talking about how we do so love them and that they are amongst our utmost favorite bugs. The combination of heat lightening and lightening bugs is just heavenly!"


So, in order to shed light on our lightening bug questions my friend thoughtfully provided the following link:
