Sunday, April 27, 2008

Odd Dolls

One of the things that we're very fond of is Alice in Wonderland. Something that I particularly like about Alice is how it brings us all together. I've made so many friends over Alice and have so little time to thank them for the great laughs and the great joy that comes from sharing this classic tale.
As you may know, you have a couple of days left to head over to Jericho to see our rendition of Alice. A.D. and I convinced our latest girl to stand in for Alice and she will be on exhibition there until the end of the month. My life size White Rabbit in his party sweater is keeping her company. Visit for directions and hours.
For those of you who are out of town, who complain that you cannot get to the island, that you cannot see anything that we ever exhibit, and that you are not quick enough to capture anything that we make, simply ever: I have a solution. Visit: . If you frighten easily, or if clowns give you nightmares, go to . Debbie Kirkpatrick has separated her art into two sites: one for us hard core edgy ohmygodweloveit! types and the other, the fireflies one, is for the sweet and faint of heart.
Debbie will make you Alice in Wonderland to your hearts content. Rabbits, cats, pigs, the Queen. Any of the characters, any or all of the pieces, single or in sets. Her work is, of course, entirely different from mine. However, the humor is somehow exactly the same.
Visit, if you dare, and be delighted.