People always ask, "What do you guys talk about?" Sometimes, I wonder, "Which guys? Us guys in the neighborhood? (Because we did have that conversation this weekend. It was all about how the north shore of the island is completely and entirely different from the south shore. The end result was I told the person that one speaks to north shore residents about horses.) Or us guys as artists?"
This time, I'll share an ongoing exchange with A.D. . We very often speak of and share ideas on 'cool clothes' and locales which are 'other than here'. Many times we speak of Russia. Sometimes we speak of China. A great many times we talk about Japan. This time it's Oslo.
The following is a site which we enjoy immensely. It allows us to visit 'elsewhere' and to discuss 'ideas' to our hearts content. We also love to play the artists' game of "likeit likeit hateit likeit likeit hateit", comparing notes and refining our tastes as we go.
We love when the game ends with, "Yes! That's it! Let's do it !!"
This is a fashion photography site; real people, real city. When you have real time, take a trip to Oslo. Visit:
The illustration pictured here is of 'FaunaBaby' by A.D. . It's easy to see why A.D. cannot be bothered spending two years producing one doll avec moi, when a figure can be drawn two dimensionally in relative record time wearing simply the coolest clothes on the planet. Yes, in Oslo style.
For more on 'FaunaBaby', rustle around A.D.'s home site which is