A million years ago, when my mother would take us to visit my aunt in South Carolina, I couldn't wait to get there. I couldn't wait, because there was a PigglyWiggly in my Aunt's town and we would stop to get her presents of groceries. The sight of a 'piggywiggy' sign gets me all squiggly wiggly with delight.
This road trip, as we stopped for the evening out side the extremely charming city of Charleston, my husband said, "Look, Cat. Piggy Wiggy." I said, "What?! Where??" He said, "Right next door to our hotel. Want to go?" I said, "We have to go. There's no way I would pass up Piggy Wiggy."
In the Keys, we met a couple who were the best of Kentucky and Ohio combined. The wife said to me, "What is it with the grocery stores?" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "They name them the strangest damn things." I said, "Like what?" She said, "Like 'Food Lion'. We stopped there. And what's that other one? The really strange one? 'Piggy Piggy' ?" I laughed and laughed.
We decided that strange gets our vote. We made sure to eat breakfast outdoors in the quaint little Vaca Key restaurant that was highly recommended. It is appropriately named 'The Stuffed Pig'.