Thursday, November 13, 2008


Wow. Wow. And, WOW.
Just when I thought wonders could cease and that we would never be able to top our own exhibitions and shows, I get a call.
Richard Gardner, who was selected as one of the top artists for 2007 by Pulse Magazine, says, "You will like this. The entire month long exhibition which I am doing next will be called 'Azul'. Your blue haired girl will be the focus of the exhibition and the entire show will revolve around her; she will be the exhibition."
I squealed, "What??!! How can THAT be?? WHAT????!!'
Richard continued, "I knew you'd be happy. She's gorgeous. She came out great. I am blowing up my favorite photo of her to FOUR FEET and it will be at the end of a runway. Diana and I are making chairs to flank the runway. Azul will also be on each chair. It will be the whole super fashion model thing, only it will be surreal and you can walk down the runway yourself and experience it with Azul."
I said, "Ohmygod. That is going to be a FABULOUS show. The idea is INCREDIBLE. I can't wait. WHEN is it???"
The answer is: Soon. The show begins on Friday, November 21st and runs for an entire month thereafter. Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, November 22nd from 5 to 7 pm in the evening.
Heart will be the first of our girls to be renamed. I said to Richard, "No one will call her anything else after this. You've actually succeeded in RENAMING her."
Visit Richard's work here: and see the previous exhibiton, entitled 'Bebe', dedicated to my work and my collaborative work with A.D., whom you can find here:
For directions to the gallery on the north shore of the island which is dedicated to the art of photography, visit: