Saturday, February 10, 2007

Shabby Princess

We recently had a discussion bemoaning the fact that one's favorite clothes eventually wear out and that when you go to replace them you discover that the store no longer carries anything even similar. This is probably due to the fact that your favorite garment was twenty years old.

Orchid has the same problem. There are certain things that Orchid seems to wear all the time, like her favorite bloomers. The bloomers have been worn to a powder softness and have now begun to simply disappear in spots. Right now, while Orchid is out on exhibit and not wearing her bloomers, I have taken a moment to try to repair and reinforce them. Another layer of lace was added along the bottom and I appliqued white flowers and leaves over all of the disappearing spots. Spending a great deal of time on one of her favorite garments, I even reinforced the leg seams with lace. These 'everyday old bloomers' of hers have so much work in them that they almost rival her 'show bloomers'. Orchid's 'show bloomers', which she only wears under her 'show gown', consist of two layers of fabric: a very sheer top layer floating over a layer of lace.