Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gingerbread and Lace

Days and nights blend together in the room behind the mirror, and Clean Slate must constantly find ways to amuse herself.
But luckily, a secret friend crept through the looking glass one day, and Mr. Have hasn't seemed to notice her yet.
Missing the snow and Christmastime in London, Clean Slate and her small visitor baked a classic gingerbread house for some afternoon wintertime tea...
Such is the continuing story in Slantways as revealed to me in my magic mirror by the Queen of Slantways herself. Click the photo above to enlarge it, to spot a bit of Weeener. See the full afternoon of tea partying here: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?412725-%26%239829;-Gingerbread-amp-Lace...-%26%239829;-Clean-Slate-DT-Yeondu-amp-Soom-Ai
When she is not chasing Weeener around and protecting her from Mr.Have, you may find the Queen of Slantways here: http://candygears.com/candygears-2010-fashion.php