Saturday, December 25, 2010

And to All a Good Night

For the longest time now, I have been promising to share with you the work of DaisyDayes.  DaisyDayes is an American artist who is arguably best known for her tiny resin 'hooves'.  Her 'hoofies' are, hands down, "cutest on the market".  Daisy's live horses, her love of animals, her kind nature and her boundless sense of humor, have combined to give her a unique insight into the animal kingdom and the way that animals move.
Daisy's photograph above has to be one of the best 'dollie photographs' that I have ever seen.  Listening to Who giggle is going to keep me up all night.
Merry Christmas Daisy !
Stalk Daisy on Etsy here:  You need to be extremely fast.  Her 'original work' literally sells out close to instantly.  'Mouse' and 'Moth', who were cast overseas, are available here: