Monday, January 13, 2014

Anavel Wins!

Anavel took a First Place blue ribbon in yesterday's UFDC Doll Fanciers' show and competition.

He is a beautiful race horse and I am so glad that he won.  Congratulations to all who worked on him! People really were thrilled to see him and enjoyed him so much.

 Anavel's face was painted by Sdink, his body was painted by Enki, his eyes and hair were done by Anavel, and his clothing was done by myself.

 A huge Thank You to all for all your hard work!

The theme that I chose to display was "Inside the Gingerbread House".

Guest appearances in the display were made by Spiritdoll Herber the rabbit done up by myself, Sarangelo's Tea Cup fairy dollie customized by Candygears, Octopussy by the Mushroom Peddler,  the red Time Keeper by the Four Horsemen, and West Nile Charlotte by Simply Divine.

Special thanks to Weeener for lending me her food!