Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fantasy Pooches

Orchid is marrying into a resourceful, powerful family. Her future mother-in-law's magic easily rivals my own.
As many of you know, we are adding the ultimate in exotic pet to the Little Cow Harbor menagerie of inhabitants. The Soom Heliot will be transformed into a delightful pink poodle dandy, the likes of which is rivaled only by theAngelQueen's own rose colored satyr Cupcake.
As we prepare for his arrival from South Korea, with a wave of her ever present wand, Doug's mother produced these incredible colorful dogs for our perusal, amusement, and discussion:
Join us while we sip our tea, eat bonbons, and chat here: http://catcara.livejournal.com . Heliot lovers, come, let us be friends, while we wait.