Thursday, January 15, 2009

UFDC Doll Fanciers' 2009 Show Pictures

UFDC Club members worked very hard and pulled off yet another successful show. Proving that no one is more resilient than doll people, determined attendees and confident vendors braved the bitterly cold and heavily iced weather conditions to enjoy a day with their friends and to search for doll related treasure.
A.D. Puchalski and myself 'ribbonned' in both of the competition categories in which our dolls were entered. Doug has now joined the ranks of our UFDC award winning dolls.
To hear more of the dollie show chatter as I find time to repeat it, visit: .
To find out more about the non-profit UFDC and the American sport of doll collecting visit: . You do not have to have a club in your area, you can become a 'member at large' and still receive the benefits of club membership.