Monday, June 7, 2021


 So. The King and I were at the market and we ran into a person that we have not seen for awhile.  They said, "You two are looking absolutely fabulous! What are you doing? And we replied in unison, "Keto!"

We are poster children for Keto. The King predicts that we will get the whole Kingdom doing Keto. Queen Redastor does Keto and says, "Keto is a way of life."  Many people have asked us, "But how do I get started?"  We tell them, "You need to figure out what you can eat and what you cannot eat and then you just go from there."  It is essentially very easy.

I would like to introduce you to the person that we call, "Dr. Quack".  While I am sure his profession is quite honorable, the King and I do not recognize him as a real doctor.  However, we cannot argue with his advice and our results. Dr. Quack recommends that you pick one person's advice on Keto and stick with them. He is our "one person".