Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Richard Gardner Photography

A special thank you to all who did trek out to April's photography exhibit and an extra special thank you to all of you who took the time to tell me personally how much you enjoyed seeing the photographs and how much you love the work.


For those of you who missed the exhibit, or who are not familiar with Richard's work, this is where you can view the photographs which were presented for the first time at the April show. All of the sculpts in the photographs were done by either A.D. or myself. The April show was the first time the photographs were revealed to the public.


The photograph shown is one of Richard's unfinished proofs. Window is wearing her Little Red Riding Hood outfit. The marvelous 'red' fabric is about seventy-five years old. As usual, you can see very little of the beadwork in the picture.

Visit 'Bebe' on Richard's site at . Realize that nothing you see on your computer screen, no matter what the resolution, can compare to seeing the actual finished prints, as a collection, in a gallery setting. The reason people say it was a 'simply incredible show' is because it was. The prints are very, very beautiful in person. Be sure to notice the one containing Precious. Precious is even more precious for having been immortalized in Richard's work.