Friday, April 18, 2008

Demon Barber

Paraphrased, one of the comments which I hear most often is, "Cathy Cara is Vera Wang, Tim Burton, and Walt Disney all rolled into one." Since I hear it often, I think of it often and I wonder: Did any of those people do handmade glass books? Did they string zillions of beads themselves?
Then, I think of other die hard fans who jump into the conversational foray with, "Cathy is nothing like anyone! Cathy is like herself!" Of course, because I treasure uniqueness, I hold the second set of 'fan compliments' most dear.
However, seeing this movie made me think of the first group of fans. There was humor; dark, of course, but humor. And there were gowns: large and puffy, tattered and flowing, stained and still worn. Masks; where would we be without balls and masks? (All pun intended.) And striped stockings: add a little lace garter, add one little ankle bow. Of course, the characters look like "our dolls". There were cobblestones and gargoyles and bugs. Yes, I could see how someone would see this and think of me, even when I had nothing whatsoever to do with it; even when I most decidedly "do New York" and steer quite clear of London.
What made me most think of my fans' comments about me being "three in one", though, was the meat grinder. You are presented with the meat grinder in the beginning of the film. You say, if you know nothing, "Is that a meat grinder???" By the end of the film, after the dresses and the stripes and the romance and the bugs, there again is the meat grinder. And, this time, you are sure that it is a meat grinder. Coming out of the meat grinder, was well.... Let's just say that I looked at it and said, "Oh god, that's how that first group of fans see me! That's me !!!"