Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dog Cake

As curious sculptors, more than one of us have tried different sculpting mediums at one time or another. One day, it might be a different variety of clay which has caught our attention. On another occasion it might be wood. When I was a child, I would sculpt soap or potatoes if clay wasn't available.
A number of us who sculpt and who like to cook (this leaves me out), have tried cake.
Elisa is one of my idols; she has taken a passion for cooking, imbued it with her talent in art, with the result being "Confetti Cakes": scrumptious looking designer cake which Manhattanites beg to buy.
Only on our island's darkly decadent north shore would one find a life size candied dog's head proudly enshrined in the dining room china cabinet of a manor house. For a moment, I thought I was visiting Stephen in DarkHouseQuarter. You can find Stephen's house here: http://www.darkhousequarter.com . When I saw Joey's head, I knew I had to share the experience with you.
View the creation of Joey's body, here; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOyibd6tDvo and wish for a dog cake of your own; for a price, one can be arranged. Elisa can be found at http://www.confetticakes.com/ .
Party hardy this holiday season; enjoy.