Monday, April 11, 2011

Doll Study Club Show II

I do not usually do this, the "this" being "spotlight one vendor from a show", but Diane had such a delightfully lovely display for this weekend's Doll Study Club show that I wanted you to see the photographs separately.

It is truly a shame that I did not take more pictures of what Diane brought, because each doll and each creature was more delightful than the last.  She hauled so many things from Connecticut that she deserves more of a medal than a blog entry.  I figure that a blog entry is the least i can do.

The crocheted sheep were simply adorable and they were only eight dollars each.  I do not know where my photo of the 'mouse in a teacup' went, but I simply loved him.  Diane had truly lovely taste in art dolls and hand made teddy bears.

Click the photos to make them larger.  Please feel free to contact Diane to purchase anything that you see here.  If you live in Connecticut, stop in to say hello.  You can find Diane here: