Friday, September 5, 2008

Glass Books of the Dream Eaters

One day, a friend said, "What are you reading?" And I told them. The response was, "You're reading WHAT??!" I said, "What's the problem?" They said, "The problem is that only you would find books like this."
Okay. I like books like this. In fact, I loved this book.
Lovers of steam punk may also very well love this book.
It is set in a fictitious Victorian city, at an undisclosed period in time. It begins with a masked ball at a mansion. There are horses and heroines, heroes and books. Gowns galore. The books are genuinely made of indigo glass.
It is a rollicking old fashioned Gothic adventure. At a whopping eight hundred or so pages in first edition hardcover, it is not for the physically weak.
The book was serialized in the old fashioned Dickens sense. There is also a sequel that is currently out.