Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cabinet of Natural Curiosities

MyHusband said, "Wow. That is some book that you've got on display. What book is that, and where did you get it?" I laughed and said, "Darling, it's one of ours. We own it."
I said, "It's that huge art book that I look at on our bed because it's so huge." He said, "Well, when you do an exhibit, you really know how to get your point across. It's an incredible book."
The book is over 60cm in height and can be purchased in various editions from Taschen. It is a glorious addition to any 'weird' artist's library.

And here, if you wish to fall further down the rabbit hole, is a blog you can visit which reminds me of this book. The fact that it was named after the book was my first clue: .