Monday, October 18, 2010

Weeener's Wanderings

On another day, I will tell you more about how Christy Johnson painted her heart out when she did Weeener for Little Cow Harbor. Today, I just wanted to let you 'see' Weeener. Yes, Weeener's cuteness hurts.
Christy Johnson and Candygears are two different people. Both are among my favorite painters in the country.
It matters a great deal 'who' paints a piece. If you think of the dolls as as a 'doll shaped piece of canvas' you can easily imagine 'why' it matters. Clean Slate, who is holding Weeener, was painted and dressed by Candygears. Candygears, as I have told you in the past, presides over the faeryland of Slantways. Candygears is Queen there, as I am Queen in Little Cow Harbor. We both have a very good time in our own wonderful worlds. However, the fearsome fun expands eeeks! exponentially when we yank our beautiful borders, overlap them, and torture and tickle them until they meet.
Weeener is wandering around Slantways as you can see. This is why she is not home in Little Cow Harbor and will not be for some time. She will actually be going to quite a shindig of a happy Halloween party in those far western lands. But, shhhhhhhhh, that is a surprise for the Seattle peeps.
Because I still feel very badly that Weeener's home town of Little Cow Harbor is not getting to enjoy her this Halloween holiday season, I decided upon a surprise. Here is your "clue" which will make no sense unless you look at the Calendar here, and happen to actually go to Harborfields: Vivi is enjoying a moment of Silence.
Even if you have gone, you really should go again.
The Masque Ball continues well past midnight. Please tell Silence that I miss him. He is one of my dearest horses. He is the one I thought I would never allow you to see. He was painted by Candygears. This is probably the only time you will get to see Candygears paint on the east coast. Surreptitiously shiver, ogle, and enjoy !